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926 days ago
Unfiled. Edited by Jordan Rhodes 926 days ago
Jordan R Is Your Car Frequently Overheating? Here’s How to Fix It
As your car draws power from the engine’ combustion process, there is always be heat due to the burning of fuel.
However, the cooling system does its work to keep the extra heat away to allow your car’s engine function properly.
However, you won’t be in the middle of nowhere with an overheating car. The cooling system has a task to do to manage the excessive heat from your. But, there may be some instances when it may stop working and lead to a heated condition.
A car utilizes two ways to cool its engine. One is using the coolant or antifreeze. It is a liquid to manage the temperature once it comes in contact with engine. Other is the engine oil that also helps in getting things cool down.
However, a cooling system failure is not just one reason behind an overheated car. There are a whole lot of reasons that might be cause a car to overheat. Read on these factors here.
Defective Thermostat
This part of your car cooling system manages the flow of the coolant. It controls the flow of the coolant, especially when the engine heats. 
It consist a valve that does the trick when to open and get closed as per requirement.
Due to unexpected reasons, if the thermostat cannot its work properly, your cars will surely going to heat. The engine radiator might not get the proper supply of coolant and surely won’t cool the engine.
However, if you have noticed overheating more frequently, just utilize a specialist service at Service My Car. 
Moreover, you can utilize the car scanning and diagnostics service during car maintenance to prevent such a condition in advance.
Malfunctioning Radiator
Radiator performs its duty to cool down the hot coolant. In general, the coolant tries to absorb the temperature of the engine. 
Then, it runs through the radiator so the fan can blow coolant’s heat out in the environment.
However, if a radiator or its fan has any defect, the coolant cannot get the heat blown out and remains hot.
Besides, there might be some sort of leakage of coolant around the radiator. It surely does not help a car’s engine to become cool.
However, it is always worth to approach a service centre such as Service My car for an instant car repair and avoid the bad situation such as overheating.
Terrible Water Pump
To get a car engine work properly, it is necessary for the coolant to flow through the cooling system. However, the water pump takes this responsibility.
In case, the water pump is damaged, the coolant cannot circulate through the engine. It surely does not get your car’s engine cool down. 
Look for a specialized service to get your vehicle working fine as soon as possible.
Low Engine Oil
Engine oil does more than that just a lubricant between many moving parts of an engine. It also helps in managing the temperature to some extent. The engine oil keeps the internal temperature under control.
However, a low level of engine oil surely does not have the capacity to perform its tasks. Low or extensively used oil cannot stop the internal temperature to rise. This leads to an overheating condition and eventually damage to the engine internally.
However, your car goes for a car oil change during the routine car service. In case, the engine oil has gone low, you should come to a service centre as soon as possible so that you can avoid the expensive car engine repair.
Low Level or Wrong Coolant
A coolant works under the hood to calm down a car’s engine. However, there might be a leakage somewhere around the engine. This might not be visible while you just experience an overheated engine.
Besides, your car’s engine might be overheating even after exchanging the coolant too. Not Sure about the cause! It is a wrong coolant, you have used in your car. 
This might require some sort of expertise to get to know more about the issue. You can come to the Service My Car for a quick inspection and our experts help in getting the entire flush out of cooling system to replace the proper one.
Worn Out Hoses
Cooling system entirely relies on the many hoses to do the job. These hoses help in propelling the coolant through the system. 
However, a mere wear in any the hose has the adverse effect to entire system. It leaks the coolant to reduce it in quantity.
Therefore, it is worth considering that the worn hoses might lead to an overheating condition. You have to be sure about the issue by visiting the Service My Car at the earliest.
Faulty Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
Modern cars are equipped with the sensor that sends the information to the ECU (Electronic Control Unit). One such task is to assist the ECU to determine when to turn on or shut the cooling fan. 
Sensors sense the coolant temperature to intimate the computer about the condition. However, if a sensor fails, the whole process may get jeopardize. This surely causes car to overheat in no time.
However, an engine diagnosis is a sure shot remedy to many technical issues including sensor failure. You can easily avail it at Service My Car.
A car might overheat dues to many reasons as above stated. Some might have normal impact while others might be hazardous enough to make a hole in your pocket. 
While a Toyota muscat might let you keep ahead of these issue. But, if you take timely action, you may avoid loses. Just call us or book a service online.
3083 days ago
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Unfiled. Edited by 林祖儀 , Chen Kai Chang , 邱小草 3083 days ago
邱小草 主席:祖儀
KC 記錄
  • 開始時間:
  • 結束時間:
邱小草 開會地點:新北市板橋區民權路202巷13弄4號5樓
  • *問題
Chen C *罷免講座
詳見PAD:[割闌尾] 罷免88場講座
  • 情況
  • Delay已久的講座上週於捷運中山站一帶辦完
  • 與會記錄整理好後,給講者過目後便會放上粉專
  • 並寄送回饋品給講者
  • 接著為 9/、10/
  • 請大家提供講者名單,我會去尋找他們呦
邱小草 決議:
  • 10/
  • 最近正在做捐款收入,正在對帳中,八月初和大家報告
3132 days ago
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Unfiled. Edited by KC , 邱小草 , 林祖儀 3132 days ago
邱小草 主席:祖儀
  • 廣告獎問題
林祖儀 undefined *Delay已久的講座上週於捷運中山站一帶辦完
*接著為 9/10、10/8、11/12、12/10
邱小草 決議:10/8日期和國慶連假再一起,請改日期
  • 帳務報告
3132 days ago
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Unfiled. Edited by KC 3132 days ago
  • 主題:年輕世代的社運自決權
3167 days ago
Unfiled. Edited by 邱小草 3167 days ago
  • 詢問目前狀況:
  • 目前沒有聽過哪個政黨有下協商
  • 一個月後過了但沒有收到協商
  • 最近有國民黨霸佔主席台,蘇嘉全還是希望要協商不要跳過
  • 明天祖儀會再和陳其邁委員聯絡,希望民進黨或時代力量(黨團)提起協商,或是直接連絡議事處的人詢問甚麼時候可以安排進二讀,(打聽總質詢到甚麼時候?)
  • 北選會對目前60萬裁罰,以擺爛狀態面對
  • 補貼講師(三位)低消和拆信刀紀念品
  • 以後補貼規則:外縣市講師給交通費補貼(以領據或簽收單方式),並給紀念品及低消(餐費)為講師費
3209 days ago
Unfiled. Edited by KC , [email protected] 3209 days ago
[email protected]
  • (略大一點點)
  • 日期:
3223 days ago
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Unfiled. Edited by 邱小草 , [email protected] , 林祖儀 3223 days ago
  • 與會人士SETH、蔡哥、祖儀、KEN、佳峰、凱西、小聖、廉斯、子譯
開始時間:下午8 點
  • 托特包:已經發包做打樣,大概一個禮拜樣會打好寄回來
  • T-shirt:在討論布料的顏色,灰色有兩種,打樣需要決定衣服的顏色和尺寸,建議打樣要打個比較普遍的樣,打樣完後要決定數目(200件中各尺寸的數量)
  • *
  • 桌遊:卡牌目前製作delay,所以要發個公告告訴大家桌遊會delay,最快六月上旬出貨,KEN回去會寫文案給大家看
  • 卡牌文案:之前倚安和KC會處理但目前好像卡,不確定目前狀況如何
  • 進度報告
  • 一募回饋品寄出公告
  • 因為陸續有民眾來訊說沒收到兩年前的回饋品,希望做一個全數寄出的公告,一定期間內提供補寄,後續將不再寄送(還要說明有些已經沒有貨了)
  • 原因:可能因為出貨後有退貨但是聯絡不到人,所以可能會有沒有辦法寄到對方那邊
  • 作法一:開放一個時段,如果沒有收到也沒有貨的話轉交一個等值的回饋品,
  • 鋼筆有人反映墨水凝固了,所以重新寄一隻可以用的連同謝卡寄給對方
  • 決議:不要公告,但如果有人來詢問沒收到貨再去做處理,如果沒有的話就出等值產品
  • 找PM
  • 價格:層架一個30,連署版一個10元,桌子(120*60總共八張)一張500元,波浪鐵架(四層一起賣)500元,以上自取不含運費
  • 決議:內部賣的人請蔡哥幫忙,先內部賣一賣
  • 決議:請佳峰聯絡聯合信用卡中心申請,人工定時刷卡
  •  感謝陳其邁委員的大力支持,祖儀會找時間將相關的資料整理給委員,讓雙方有很好的互動
  • 陳其邁委員蠻重視修改選罷法的事情,有特別電話說明相關內容,上禮拜也有動員和傳真相關事情
  • 目前我們有和修法的立法委員有保持比較好的互動關係,看有沒有辦法在這個會期做三讀通過,目前還蠻符合之前在1月份的目標
  • 以目前的時間軸,很有可能會在這個會期就可以完成修法完畢,目前選罷法的修法我們需要關注(緊盯)這個會期的修法動態,雖然不是很滿意目前的修法結果,但是我們會以階段性的修改
  • 關於罷免不得宣傳的裁罰,目前是已經過了繳款的期限,蔡哥還會再去詢問目前狀況是如何
  • 目前公投法要怎麼幫忙呢?靜待其變?
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